Sub-Total: $0.00
- Family-Friendly Trips
- Sightseeing
- Price is based on excursion, NOT PER PERSON
- Scenic/Moose Tours by Land in the Ford Expedition 4-5-hr tour for up to 6 persons for $325. Last years tours by land
excursion sightings included moose – to include babies, moose on ponds, bear, deer – to include fawns, falcons, owls,
hawks, rabbits, mink, beavers, fisher, muskrat, red fox, coyotes, pine martin, porcupine, loons, turkeys with babies,
partridge with babies, owls, geese, ducks and so much more! - Things you may want to bring: sunglasses, clothing appropriate for weather, snacks & drinks, and camera.
- Our trips are private – if you book it- only your group is on the trip. You can stop for photo ops where you like.
- Our guests have a great time seeing the local area, as well as learning about the moose and its habitat.
- SUNRISE – IT GETS DAYBREAK BEFORE 430am. We will leave as early as 430am.
- Afternoon Moose/Scenic Tours – These tours are based on the beauty of the Moosehead Lake area along with the
chance of seeing some Moose. This trip is geared for those who do not want to get up in the wee hours of the
morning or be out until dark, but still wish to see the beautiful area in hopes to find some moose. In the months of
July and August this time of the day will provide possible opportunities to find moose on the water.